Drink This To Clean Your Liver and Lose Weight in 72 Hours

Drink This To Clean Your Liver and Lose Weight in 72 Hours

Make this powerful drink for liver cleaning and get rid of extra weight without too much effort.

When the organism if full of toxins, the liver can’t perform its functions normally. In this case the process of losing weight is significantly slower and you gain more and more weight.

People don’t consider that the liver is probably the most important factor which decides if you are going to lose weight or that process will be stopped without any results for long time.

That is the reason why people don’t lose weight despite their great effort and different methods.

If you are one of them who want to lose weight then try this recipe and detox your liver entirely.

Consume it for 3 days and clean your liver from any toxins and filth which live inside.

How it is used?

Consume this drink 3 times a day during 3 days. Avoid heavy meals during these 3 days. Eat healthy food in order to ease the process of detoxification of the liver and lose some weight.


– 3 lemons

– 1 cup of cut parsley

– 5 steams celery

– 6 cups water


Put in blender the lemon juice, parsley and celery and mix it, then add water and mix again. Consume 2 glasses, 3 times a day on empty stomach. Repeat the procedure in the next 2 days. Than make a break for 7-10 days and then repeat the treatment.

Read More: Life On Hands

What 5 Foods Are Killing Your Metabolism?

What 5 Foods Are Killing Your Metabolism?

Is there anything more frustrating than looking in the mirror and not seeing any results? You may be exercising and trying to eat healthy, but are you doing it correctly? Often times, you may think what you are eating is good for you, but that may not be the truth. According to Dr. Josh Axe, these foods you thought to be healthy can actually be full of bad ingredients that slow the metabolism and prevent weight loss. When trying to lose weight, make sure you know which foods boost the metabolism and which don’t. Read Dr. Axe’s findings below!

1. Fruit juice: Contrary to popular belief, fat isn’t the first thing that will make you fat. Nope, it’s consuming too much sugar. Drinking fruit juice and consuming too much sugar will absolutely wreck your metabolism! Fruit juice – including most apple, orange and grape juice – is basically chemically-laden sugar water! Apple juice may sound healthy, but some manufacturers turn apples into juice by adding in sugar, food coloring and flavorings. That is the apple juice you buy today. One 8-ounce glass of fruit juice contains 30 grams of sugar, where a soda contains 28 grams of sugar! Also, you should avoid other forms of sugar, which can hide under names like: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, juice concentrate, maltodextrin, raw sugar and brown sugar. Learn more about disguised sugar here.

The fix: Sip on metabolism-boosting drinks instead. To replace fruit juice we recommend making homemade lemonade by mixing real lemon juice, water and stevia. Kombucha is another great option (nature’s sports drink!).

2. Whole grains: Whole grains may be the #1 offender when it comes to ruining your metabolism and weight loss efforts. It may seem like “whole grains” like wheat bread are healthy, but most are far from helping your metabolism. Three of the main compounds in grains hurt your metabolism include gluten, starch and phytic acid. Gluten can cause inflammation, starch turns into sugar quickly and phytic acid binds to minerals so you’re not getting most of the minerals and vitamins from whole grains that could have helped your metabolism.

The fix: Eat more fruits and veggies instead. A better option for fat loss is replacing your daily intake of grains with fruits and vegetables or consuming up to one piece daily of a sprouted grain bread or sourdough. Also, the best flour replacement to use instead of wheat flour is coconut flour. Coconut flour is a dieter’s best friend because it’s high in fiber which supports rapid fat loss and contains fats your body can burn as fuel.

Source: skinnymom.com

4 Quick Exercises to Get Rid of Underarm Flab and Back Bulge in 3 Weeks

4 Quick Exercises to Get Rid of Underarm Flab and Back Bulge in 3 Weeks

1- Elbow kiss

This involves spreading out your arms on either side at the level of your shoulders, palms facing up. Then fold each arm at the elbow to make a ninety degrees angle upwards.

Swing the hands while folded to the front so that they close in at the elbow with forearms touching on the sides. Lastly, return the arms to their initial position. Do sets of three, each 10 repetitions.

2- Push and touch

Involves lifting your stretched arms overhead from the resting position on the sides of your body. If you have hand weights you can use them or even a band. Standing with your stretched arms on the sides, palms facing forward, lift them to the shoulder level simultaneously than over your head. Lastly, bring the arms back in position. Do 3 sets of about 6 repetitions each.

3- Crisscross reverse fly

Put your legs apart about the width of your shoulders, slightly bend at the knees for stability and then bend forward at the waist, no more than 90 degrees, so that your head faces down. Hold the hand weight or dumbbell on each hand bent at the elbow and while palms face towards each other. Then raise your hands to the level of or slightly lower than your shoulders. Do three sets each 10 times.

4- Bent-over circular row

With your legs apart shoulder-width, bend forward (ninety degrees) and using each hand at a time, move the dumbbell towards the opposite hand, lift it up, then move it towards the chest and the back to the extended position in a circular motion. Do three sets of 10 repetitions each.

  Read: Get rid of back fat (only 30 minutes)

The victory over Underarm Flab and Back Bulge has never been this practical. Stop winning on how ugly and uncomfortable you are and get to exercise following these simple straightforward exercises.

These are not quick fix magical techniques that will make that accumulation of adipose tissue simply melt away. For this to work, you need discipline, commitment and consistency. Schedule an appropriate time in your daily schedule to practice these four simple and quick exercises.

This is the only way you will effectively manage to get rid of that fat in the proven record time of three weeks.

(Source: healthandlovepage)

10 Tummy-Tightening Foods

10 Tummy-Tightening Foods

We’ve all heard it: Abs are made in the kitchen. And it couldn’t be more true! Below are a few flat belly foods with fat-burning properties to help you with this dreaded task of weight loss. Just remember: No one food can do the job alone. You need to have a plan and a purpose. Make sure you’re eating the proper amount of calories for your body and exercising regularly as well!

Here are a few of the best foods to eat when trying to lose weight.

1. Oats with cinnamon: Oats are a great start to your day. They will help keep you full while the cinnamon has natural thermionic properties, increasing your metabolism. Try out our Skinny Slow Cooker Apple Pie Oatmeal!

2. Grapefruit: Grapefruit helps lower insulin levels, which promotes weight loss and a fast metabolism.

3. Red peppers: Peppers contain capsaicin to help you to burn that stubborn fat. Click here to get the recipe for our delicious (and skinny) Red Pepper Slaw!

4. Almonds: Almonds are a great source of protein to help keep you full and your metabolism kicking. Click here for our skinny almond trail mix recipe!

5. Salmon: Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which is beneficial for fat loss. Check out our Honey Mustard Glazed Salmon recipe. Learn more about omega-3 fatty acids and their health benefits by clicking here.

6. Avocado: While avocados are considered a fat, they are a healthy fat, which your body needs to use as energy! Click here for 50 amazing avocado recipes. Here’s how to open and peel one:

You might scoop out your avocados to smash them into guacamole, but what about when you want perfect slices to top your taco? This video shows how to safely take out the pits and peel these delicate fruits to reveal the creamy green flesh beneath. Get the recipe here.

7. Blueberries: Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, and they are also low in sugar and great for a healthy, low calorie snack! We love this Flatout® Delicious Blueberry Cinnamon Roll Up recipe.

8. Green tea: Natural caffeine can help speed up your metabolism and keep you energized to burn more calories throughout the day. Plus, green tea contains antioxidants to help rid your body of toxins. Here’s our yummy Green Tea Detox recipe!

9. Chicken: Chicken is a great source of lean protein. By placing more protein in your diet, you can lower the amount of carbohydrates you take in while promoting weight loss. Check out our many skinny chicken recipes by clicking here!

10. Sweet potato: Sweet potatoes are great for keeping your blood sugar levels stable while promoting a better, faster metabolism. Click here for our Pulled Pork Stuffed Sweet Potatoes recipe.

Source: skinnymom.com

5 Essential Oils to Help You Lose Weight

5 Essential Oils to Help You Lose Weight

Want to lose weight? Essential oils can help you to lose weight safely by stimulating your body parts which take part in the fat burning process. You are warned that you will not lose weight quickly but essential oils will put you on track to your weight loss journey.  You will feel good, sleep well and burning more fat by using essential oils.

You can either drink essential oils by putting one drop in glass of water or you can diffuse them. You can also apply them topically by mixing them with carrier oils such as coconut oil.

1. Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil suppresses weight gain, increases energy and enhances mood. Lemon also contains limonene that has fat-dissolving powers.

2. Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit essential oil is also used for weight loss as it can help to reduce fatty cells such as cellulite.  Grapefruit essential oil helps in weight loss by stimulating metabolism, dissolving fat, cleaning kidneys and vascular systems.

3. Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel essential oil helps weight loss by improving digestion, providing a deeper sense of calm and more restful sleep and, suppression of appetite. Fennel is a natural source of Melanin which helps convert fat into beige fat so that it is used as primary source of energy expenditure.

4. Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon is one of the best essential oils for weight loss as it is extremely effective in breaking down the sugar in human body and turning it into energy. It suppresses appetite and boost metabolism and improves digestion leading to weight loss.

5. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil helps with weight loss by suppressing appetite and food cravings. Peppermint essential oils works to stimulate the part of human brain that produces a fuller feeling of satisfaction and relaxation.

All these essential oils will help you with your goal of healthy weight loss whether you drink them in water or apply them topically.

Source: fireupfitness.com

A Garlic Clove In The Morning On An Empty Stomach. The Results Are Surprising!

A Garlic Clove In The Morning On An Empty Stomach. The Results Are Surprising!

Garlic is a condiment with many virtues. It can help you to remedy several health problems and prevent serious diseases like cancer. Find out what happens to your body when you eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach.

The benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach

For over 5,000 years, garlic is praises for its medicinal benefits, it is a powerful antioxidant that has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic. It is very effective for treating disorders such ascolds or flu.

It is also rich in vitamins (A, C, B6, B9, E) and minerals (zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium …) that help strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, prevent and treat bacterial infections.

Garlic against cancer

Moreover, its richness in antioxidants helps protect healthy cells of the body and prevent serious disorders such as cancer. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute studied the case of Chinese who ate garlic every day, they found that this habit reduces the risk of gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. They also observed that consumption 10g per day of vegetables from the allium family (onions, garlic …) reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 50%.

Garlic against cholesterol

This ingredient is also beneficial for the heart, prevents blood pressure, cleans the blood vessels and improves blood circulation. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), it is advisable to regularly eat garlic because of its ability to prevent cardiovascular disease. a study at the University of Pennsylvania showed that daily consumption of garlic reduced cholesterol by 7%. This ingredient contains a compound called allicin, which gives garlic its odor to which, when consumed raw, blocks the chemical synthesis of cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from building up on artery walls.

Garlic: to eat cooked or raw?

Depending on the mode and the cooking time, the key compound in garlic, allicin, can have no effect on the body. Its properties can be deactivated by heat, and the amount of antioxidants decreases.

By eating raw garlic, you take full advantage of its benefits. But if you want to eat it cooked, wait at least 20 minutes before the end of cooking to add in order not to lose its active compounds.

If the idea of eating garlic on an empty stomach is not for you, you can add it to your daily dishes to enjoy its benefits and promote the proper functioning of the body. However, it is advisable to moderate consumption (1 to 4 cloves per day) as this may cause diarrhea and other side effects.

Different uses of garlic

Against a cold or bronchitis

To treat a cold or bronchitis, prepare a thyme herbal tea and garlic cut into pieces. To sweeten the mix, add pure honey. However, do not forget to remove the seeds before cutting garlic.

Detofixier to the body

The toxins are harmful to health, they promote disease, aging of the skin and dull the complexion. According to Chinese medicine, garlic cleans the blood of accumulated toxins, stimulates the kidneys and prevents urinary tract infections. And feel free to add to your daily meals.

Treat ear inflammations

Crush a clove of garlic and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for an hour and apply a few drops of this oil in the infected ear. Repeat this twice a day until the inflammation disappears. The antibacterial properties of garlic will relieve inflammation.

Prevent hair loss

To strengthen your hair, crush 5 cloves of garlic and add 50 ml of olive oil. Massage your scalp well and let stand for a few hours. You can sleep with the mask if you want, it will nourish, moisturize your scalp thoroughly and prevent hair fall.

Reduce itching feet

Heat the water, pour it into a bowl and discard two cloves of garlic. Wait until the temperature is pleasant before soaking your feet, let stand 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat the process several times a week to notice results. The antibacterial properties of garlic will treat itching and prevent the development of fungi.

Source: allthetips.us

10 Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Quickly

10 Core Exercises To Flatten Your Belly Quickly

Who doesn’t want a tight and toned core, and perhaps abs that pop? In addition to looking great, a strong core really cuts down on back soreness and aches and pains, so core training isn’t just vanity, it’s healthy!

Here are 10 of our favorite core-strengthening exercises to get you baring your belly and standing straighter than ever.


Move Targets: Lower lumbar muscles and abdominals

Step 1: Start by lying face down and extending your arms out in front of you.

Step 2: Press your shoulder blades together and lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor.

Step 3: Hold position for 60 seconds, keeping your head up and your arms extended out in front of you.

Modification (Beginner): Lift just your legs and chest for 30 seconds and then lift just your arms for 30 seconds.


Not only does this move target your abs, but it also gets your hip flexors and glutes! Remember to engage your core instead of pulling with your neck or back. Click here to learn how to do bicycle crunches.

Move Targets: Abdominals, hip flexors and gluteus

Step 1: Lie on back with knees and hips at a 90-degree angle. Place hands behind your head. Exhale as you lift head and shoulders off the floor. Twist torso to the right, bringing left shoulder in to touch your right knee. Keep left leg straight and lifted off the floor.

Step 2: Inhale as you slowly lower. Repeat, twisting torso to the left. Continue alternating sides for 60 seconds.

Modification (Beginner): Feet can return to the floor after each rep.

(Source: strongishealthy)

15 Best Tips To A Flat Belly

15 Best Tips To A Flat Belly

It may not be a secret that the best way to a six-pack is a healthy diet and regular exercise, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to a flat belly. Here are 15 ultimate tips to getting flat abs. Follow one or two or all and the only worry left will be deciding which bikini is best show off your sexy flat belly.

Getting flat abs isn’t about starving yourself or living at the gym. Reducing belly fat involves a mix of smart eating and effective exercise. Make sure you eat enough food to keep your body from experiencing hormone imbalances; eating too little (fewer than 1200 calories a day) reduces the amount of the fat-burning hormone leptin in your body, which will slow down weight loss. And if you’re just exercising without changing your diet, you’ll spend a lot of time at the gym with little result.

Doing regular posture-building exercises pack a double punch when it comes to busting that belly. Having good posture helps you look slimmer instantly, while sticking to a posture-building routine every day will strengthen your ab muscles, and help get you well on your way to a six-pack.

3. H.I.I.T. IT
Ab exercises will help define those muscles, but don’t forget cardio for overall weight loss; otherwise all those sit-ups will go to waste. If you want results fast, try high intensity interval training, which has been proven to be one of the best ways to fight belly fat.

(Source: strongishealthy)

5 Exercises To Work Your Abs To Exhaustion

5 Exercises To Work Your Abs To Exhaustion

We know the basic abdominal floor crunch is old news at this point, and you want to take core training to the next level. Not a bad choice, considering almost all of our daily tasks require core strength (yes, even sitting at your desk).

According to Patti Hallow, exercise physiologist and author of Beat The Flab: What Personal Trainers Say and Do, the average American spends 56 hours per week sitting, which weakens the core—and that, in turn, makes daily activities tougher. But maintain strong abs, and you’ll help prevent back pain, boost your agility, increase your flexibility, and look good.

This Aromatic Drink Will Rid You Of That Drooping Belly!

This Aromatic Drink Will Rid You Of That Drooping Belly!

Abdominal or belly fat is not only unsightly but also increases the risk of health hazards including blood pressure, diabetes, and dementia, even at an early age. Some common causes of belly fat are stress, alcoholism, lack of physical activity, menopause, unhealthy eating habits, improper digestion, slow metabolic rate and genetics.

5 Easy Workouts for Women to Have Slim Legs

5 Easy Workouts for Women to Have Slim Legs

Fat is stored in women’s thighs and it is hard to shed fat from the pelvis, buttocks and thighs than it is to trim down other areas of the body.  The fat stored around the pelvis, buttocks and thighs of women appears to act as reserve storage for the energy demands of lactation. As a result it is very hard for women to burn this fat to have slim legs and thighs compared to men.

The exercises listed here for slim legs are very simple and easy which do not require any special equipment or weights.  The best aspect of these exercises is that you can do these in the comfort of your own home without stepping out to go to gym and have slim legs. If you also include these 5 most effective abs workouts in your plan, you will be losing fat around your stomach for sexy summer abs.

Beginner’s Cellulite Workout

Beginner’s Cellulite Workout

This beginner cellulite workout routine will help blast cellulite and trim fat. This cellulite exercise routine is designed to specifically target those darn troublesome areas that are hard to hit at the gym. The good news? You don’t need the gym for this workout! You can kiss cellulite goodbye by doing this workout, eating clean, and engaging in cardio at least three times weekly. So get ready to say, “See ya,” to cellulite!

10 Tips To Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days

10 Tips To Lose 10 pounds in 10 Days

Obesity is a problem that affects a large number of people these days. In fact, most of them indulge in dieting even to the point of starvation and end up depriving their bodies of vital nutrients. To say the least, weight loss cannot be achieved overnight. It is a gradual process that requires effort and dedication on your part.

Most of us have this misconception that by dieting rigorously, we can achieve weight loss. But the fact is, weight loss depends upon a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is the combination of these two factors that helps you to achieve your ideal weight.