10 Minutes Exercise That Would Make You To Have A Flat Stomach In Just 2 Weeks

10 Minutes Exercise That Would Make You To Have A Flat Stomach In Just 2 Weeks

You do not have to bother to make an infinite number of sit-ups to get a flat stomach. Actually, we found the easiest exercise to achieve a flat stomach, and the best is that fitness experts say is more effective than sit-ups.

The secret of this exercise called “stomach suction” could not be simpler – just have to breathe properly.
“In this exercise, breathing activates and strengthens the deepest abdominal muscles so you just create contractions,” explains Rick Sturla – personal trainer in the British Centre for Healthy- Results Health & Performance.

If you do it properly, you will strengthen the entire middle section of the body and stabilize the spine – which will remove the pain from the lower part of the body and improve your posture. This technique of deep breathing and “vacuuming” air in belly is part of Pilates and yoga, but you can do apart from these types of exercises.

  1. Once you are awake (it would be ideal on an empty stomach while you are still in bed) Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet, leaning against the mattress. Inhale and exhale deeply and suck in your stomach so hard that you want navel to “stick” to the spine. The more they suck in the stomach the stronger contraction and effectiveness.
  2. Hold your belly drawn at least 15 seconds to start, and your progress lengthen the duration until 60 seconds if necessary and taking shallow breaths dropping. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
  3. When you are ready for the heavier version, do the exercise kneeling on your knees and hands, sitting upright on a chair or ball for Pilates.

If you regularly perform this exercise for a flat stomach, eating a healthy diet and taking exercise with your usual practice, you will probably notice results even in 2 weeks.

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